Le Dispensaire Français- Société Française de Bienfaisance is a registered charity which depends primarily on donations from individuals, companies, and other charities, on grants from the French government and on the income from its portfolio.
Company Limited by Guarantee no 6470940 / Registered Charity no 1125579
Become a friend of the Dispensaire Francais- Société Française de Bienfaisance when you make a donation
Become a friend of the Dispensaire Francais- Société Française de Bienfaisance when you make a donation.
Thanks to your donation to the Dispensaire, our volunteers can work, day after day, to help French speakers going through difficult times in the UK.
What can your donation provide?
- £25 = a dressing kit
- £40 = a laboratory test for a patient
- £50 = the average cost of managing the care of a patient at the Dispensaire
- £130 = a week accommodation in a hostel for a homeless person
- £195 = an ultrasound for a patient
Donations by individuals are part of the Gift Aid scheme.
To contribute to the action of the Dispensaire Français – Société Française de Bienfaisance please send your donation via our secure page https://www.justgiving.com/dispensairefrancais